SAVE THE DATE: Kripalu’s 28th Annual Yoga Teachers Conference: Keynote Talk and Workshop
Tuesday, October 1, 2019 - Friday, October 4, 2019
This year’s annual conference focuses on the therapeutic benefits of yoga. Yoga teachers and yoga therapists will take home evidence-based tools for promoting their students’ and clients’ health and well-being.
Along with keynotes by Kripalu legacy-holders Stephen Cope and Richard Faulds (Shobhan), the conference boasts a lineup of top-tier presenters, who offer valuable insights on the various facets of therapeutic yoga. Don’t miss Carol Krucoff on neck and back care; Marlysa Sullivan on yoga and science in pain care; Ann Swanson on arthritis and asana; and much more.
Mark your calendars and start planning for this highly anticipated event—a reunion, professional development opportunity, and mini vacation all in one!
More info coming soon!