The Great Work of Your Life
Sunday, June 24, 2018 at 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
| $50THE GREAT WORK OF YOUR LIFE is a three hour workshop based on Stephen Cope’s bestselling book of the same name. It is an opportunity for participants to actively investigate their own life’s calling through the lens of one of the most important scriptures in yoga—the two-thousand year old Bhagavad Gita (Or “Song of God.”) The Gita—as it is affectionately known—is perhaps the world’s most important treatise on finding and enacting one’s dharma—or true calling, sacred duty, authentic vocation. The workshop will be a combination of short talks, journaling, small group introspection, meditation, and large group discussion—based on the principles of The Gita. No previous experience with yoga or yoga philosophy is required. Just bring your own enthusiasm for discovering your sacred calling in this life!!